
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Super Food.

So, Avinash is almost five months old. My pediatrician recommended started food at four months of age and we tried mashed bananas. I basically just gave him a taste of them, about one to two tablespoons in the evenings when I got home. He went through some fussy days and we weren't sure if it was because of the change in food or the onset of teething.

Then, life got crazy. Ryan was at the tail end of trial, then started studying for the bar full-time. I was working late for about two weeks in a row. I was talking to my Mom from India and she suggested that we stop feeding him until he actually does cut his first tooth. It is so hard juggling conflicting advice! My amazing cousin Manind and his wife Anjali gave me this book called Super Baby Food. That book says you can start with lots of different food at four months, like avocado, bananas, rice cereal, oatmeal, different strained fruits. 'What to Expect' also suggest four months, but says to start with rice cereal. But, I really don't want to start him out on such a heavily processed food. So, I am feeling totally lost.

Meanwhile, for ourselves, I used to make really original and varied home-made meals almost nightly. Now, we live on take-out and Eggos. Not very healthy I know.

My main problem seems to be I just have no mental ability left to come up with good dinner ideas. My new plan is to write down my favorite recipes and new ideas that I come across in an effort to generate inspiration.

For example, tonight I'm thinking of making home-made veggie corn dogs with quick-pickle cucumbers and sweet potato- fries for us and mashed for Avinash. If it works out, I'll post the recipe.


I recently found out about Pamper's Gifts to Grow program. It was supposed to expire on March 1, 2009 but has been extended a full year. I was a little bummed at first because I have already thrown out so many points in the last four + months. Then, I realized that the EMU here stocks Pampers too. I may have taken all the stickers off of those packs and used them myself. Hey, they were just being thrown out anyway. I did find a bunch of codes that can be used for bonus points, these are all still good. Go to to enter them.

HAPPYHOLIDAY089 (3 pts.)
WELCOME2GTG0809 (1 pt.)


  1. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 4-6 months, but stresses to do six months because they now say that waiting that long decreases chances for food allergy issues. It's never a sure bet though because they would just change the recommendations in another five years anyways. It is really up to you. If you wait until his first tooth arrives, that could be up to 9 months of age- plus, they don't use their front teeth for active chewing (but will use them to tear bread, etc.) so it might not help anyway.

  2. Thank you for the fantastic recipe. I wish I had more recipes I can experiment withacai berry juice because I happen to be a huge fan of acai berry juice.


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