
Friday, June 12, 2009

Title Town, baby!

When was the last time Pittsburgh had two championships in a row??

Avinash of course is starting to think this is the norm.

I sent Anuj a picture of him after the game, his response:

We have such a lucky baby!! At least he didn't get too startled and cry this time. Well, not for too long anyway.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Keep on trucking!

Avinash has been working hard on learning how to walk. His Naniji brought him a ride-a-long toy truck on her last visit. He loves grabbing the handle at the back and cruising around the living room. He is getting pretty good, but those landings can be a doozy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I hope this isn't arresting his development..

Ok, so I am not posting the video, but I did feel inspired to make a scrapbook page with this installment of our Roomba story.

And, no! We don't really want him to be like Buster.

Though I guess I should be worried about what this says about me as a Mom. Especially since it was my idea to let him ride Roomba.

He's too big to actually ride it anymore, but he is fascinated with it now. He crawls after it and cries when he can't catch up! He even learned how to turn it on while it is in the dock.

Of course Ryan was complaining about the lack of robot features on the page, as if I have a huge stock of robot accessories. But! turns out I did have this really adorable card (sent to be my actual Robotics PhD friend Rachel when Avi was born along with a beautiful hand crocheted blankie and booties set). So, it worked out. I actually made three layouts tonight, but this was definitely the best.

Not Me Monday, post-call edition.

Another Not Me! post in the style of my favorite blog, MyCharmingKids, by MckMama.

I would never say that staying at home with your baby instead of operating all day is hard work. It does not seem like two hours of nap time is way too short.

I would never, for example, resort to using household robots to entertain my child.


Photographs notwithstanding.

The video I will not not post.

I did not meet a whole host of other surprises. Last night, I was not way too proud of myself for making a healthy dinner and letting Avinash try endamame!

I did not come to regret this decision today. Not once this morning, twice by noon and three times total and counting...

Even though I could probably not do this every day I'm glad I get the chance every now and then (seriously, I do.)