
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Introducing Nandini Kiran

Born on March 14, 2011 at 8:13 pm.  She weighed 6lbs and 4 ounces and was 19 inches long. 

I started pushing about an hour after this, but had to stop and wait for the doctor to get there!  Once she was ready it was only a matter of minutes.  I already got to feel her head, and the nurse could see hair sticking out from the top of her head even.  I had an amazing nurse how made the process of pushing so calm and relaxing.  She talked me through everything without any screaming or gross analogies.  I loved that.  (Much better than the day shift nurse who left a huge bruise on my arm from the IV that is still there a week later..)   I think the nurse did most of the work and I honestly don't really remember the doctor doing much at all.  She caught the baby and massaged my stomach for five seconds, that was about it. 

I was in such a daze by the time the doctor got there.  I could feel my contractions a little bit, but not much.  I knew my anesthesiologist, so he decided to give me the higher dose of medicine "because she's a tall girl" ha!  I totally could not feel any more sharp pain anymore.  I only felt a little pressure after that but even that went away quickly.   When the night shift nurse came on, she said I was ready to push right away.  I kept telling my mom and Ryan to call Dad and Anuj to make sure they were on their way to the hospital.  Before I had a chance to think about it we started doing 'practice pushes' with my mom on one side and Ryan on the other.  He was too freaked out to look at the head, but I really wanted to!  They didn't have a mirror though, oh well.  Probably for the best.  The nurse kept telling me I was doing a great job pushing, which I loved.  Then I had to slow down and wait for the doctor.  She got there, the head was out, the doctor checked for cord, and one second later Nandini was out.  She was crying and I just kept saying, 'Oh my god.'  They placed her on my chest for me to hold and I just tried to take it all in.   We got to do skin to skin contact. 

Outside it sounded like someone was trying to break down the door. They let Avinash inside and I tried to show him the baby. He couldn't really tell what was going on and ran back outside to be with Anuj. After a little while, they took the baby to be measured and the rest of my family came in.

Outside it sounded like someone was trying to break down the door.  They let Avinash inside and I tried to show him the baby.  He couldn't really tell what was going on and ran back outside to be with Anuj.  After a little while, they took the baby to be measured and the rest of my family came in.

 Dad of course wanted to hold the baby,

 Anuj was beaming from ear to ear and

Avinash first realized that the new baby was here.  He was incredibly fascinated with her, but got shy a little bit after. 

Everyone came back out to the big room and Avinash was still hanging around the anteroom, sitting under the scale and just generally looking all cute and vulnerable. He was really happy to sit in my lap and hold the new baby though.

He also wanted to take a cheese of the baby just like everyone else!

We stayed a total of two nights in the hospital.  The second day the hospital photographer came to take her picture.  She did a nice job and got pictures of Nandini in lots of different poses.

My family came back and forth from the apartment to the hospital with Avinash a lot.  He was so excited to hold her and loved giving her kisses.  My mom taught him how she would grab on to his finger and stick her tongue out to lick him!  He loved it!

We debated about her name the entire time we were in the hospital and only settled on one at the last minute.  We have loved the name Nandini for a long time and her middle name is in honor of my Dadi (dad's mother).

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