
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Heard around the house.

gudiya ki gudiya

"Hooo...." (accompanied by perpelexed look)

{photo courtesy of Avinash}
Crying and look of fear as Avinash approaches for one of his crushing hugs.
Well, she doesn't say much really, but all of her coos seem very telling.  She gets a very serious look on her face all the time and then looks sideways as if she knows you are doing something weird. 

We were all laughing today when she was sticking her tongue out along with Avinash.  That's like doing baby calculus right?

"Too fast Nana!" (when driving around curves)  "Mommy! ' do that." (ie, don't) "Oh, baby mo'e dhudu?!"  (whenever Nandini cries)
Avi are you going to school? "No way! ' today!"  (ie, not)
Avinash's retort to Nana, briefly interrupted by seeing a booboo on his finger. "No! 'Tay, 'tay, 'tay. One 'tay, two 'tays, three 'tays, ooooh booboo! 'tay, five 'tays."
While running around the house at top speed.  "B'areful!"
"Avi where is your card?" "Oohh, loss' it?  Woo-woo eat it!" did you come up with that one Avi?  I guess I should expect to hear this excuse again in a few years when you lose your homework?  I might also add that we don't have any pets.  He was referring to a plastic taco bell toy.  Not sure what is more worrying, the fact that he is lying or that we have a plastic chihuaha in the house.

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