
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our weekend

is off to a pretty good start.

Ryan's firm rented out a theatre for family night this year and we brought the babies to see Harry Potter.

Avi was just excited to be getting pizza and popcorn.  There was an open bar there too, but Avi didn't have any since a random lady was kind enough to remind me that he couldn't drink alcohol yet.  Phew, really dodged a bullet there.  How would I ever remember these things if people didn't keep reminding me?!?

He painted his face before we left, but would hardly stand still for a picture.

He was more interested in holding the camera and taking pictures himself.  Particularly of this kid who brought his 'wand' to the movie.  There are A LOT of pictures of him and his dad's legs.  Greeeat.  The kid was really into it and made his dad put on his Harry Potter cloak too, ha!

Looking back, Avi may have been on to something.  How did his wand do that??

He then wanted to hide from the 'baby' so we took pictures without him.

I redid his self-face painting this morning for Little Gym's, the weekly theme was Harry's World of Wizardry.

Nandini did some tummy time on the mat while he played.  She was totally fascinated by all the kids.  And I think they were of her.  So many little girls ran over to see her. 

Avi ran over too for a quick hug attack. 

Rings!  He is getting pretty good at spinning on them.
Lining up for the 'choo-choo' train.  This kills me every time, because he looks like a real kindergardner when they do this. 

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