
Monday, November 14, 2011

Did you know she has two teeth?!?

Apparently my husband is not completely sure of her milestones unless I blog about them, so here you go. (You have to squint to see them a little.)

I would have tried to take some pictures when she was not eating, but when is she not eating?

{Most of these photos are taken by Avi, while I try not to hyperventilate about him breaking my dSLR  and keep a death grip on the strap.}

Linked up here: PaperMama, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.


  1. She is adorable!

    I remember the little baby teeth!

  2. She is so cute! And I also get nervous any time my girls use my camera - and it's not even fancy!


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