
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Still waiting.

I love being pregnant. Really, I still do.  Every minute of my day has a purpose. Every activity, even napping, contributes to the growing of a new baby human.

I know I will miss this. I love having my baby with me always. I love feeling him kick and flutter and say a silent prayer every time I feel it.

Even these days. As things start to wear on me.
It does give me time to savor our cute little family of four.  To savor some time with Nandini as my baby.  In a flash she is going to grow three sizes after the baby arrives. 
And these days are exciting. I have to give up on my usual need to plan and be in control. 

Every day is full of possibility.

In the meantime, we are keeping busy.

 Pre-baby date night at Uchi.  A bowl of hot peppers here did not help.  Also? Kind of loving showing off my big belly with sequins all over.

 Getting Valentine's cards ready for Avinash's class.  I decided to play it safe and we are giving out bubbles instead of candy. 

Celebrating my mom's birthday.  The kids are a little excited about the ice cream.

So grateful for all of your prayers and well wishes!!! 


  1. Oh my gosh you look great in that dress…your right, that belly all sequinned out is awesome <3

  2. All the best for your delivery. Hang in there.


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