
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My glamorous life. // How do you do it all?

I did a lot of day in the life posts last year, recording a single day every month or so in photos + words.  Those days were, at worst, average, but always made me smile to look back on.  Today was one of those days that was so awesomely bad I had to share for the sake of balance and honesty on my blog.

Nandini had school this morning so Ryan left early to drop her off.  The baby woke up and wanted to stay up right after they left and I really missed him not being around in the morning.  Avinash watched TV while I got the baby and myself ready.  He watched a little more while I nursed the baby.  I decided to set out a little early so I could grab a coffee.  My friend offered to watch Avi and take him to school while I picked up Nandini and her house is near a Starbucks I like.

The three of us make it out of the house.  I actually put on something other than yoga pants and  t-shirt.  Partially because I want to start trying a little more, but also because I have no clue where half of my laundry is right now.  I order my reserve coffee and a cake pop for Avi.  He quietly eats and then we start cooing at the baby.  It really is fun to see him more alert, even when he is in his sling (he usually just sleeps in there).  Then I feel his stomach rumble and see his expression change.  I figure I will just change him in the car when I feel wetness spreading all over me.  His diaper has exploded all over the sling, my shirt and is now, to my horror, dripping down his leg on to the floor of Starbucks.  Avinash screamed.  So much for staying low key.  I rush into the bathroom with the baby to stem the tide and realize I am out of diapers.  Wonderful.  I wipe up what I can on him and myself, cover him in paper towels and race over to my friends place.

Luckily, instead of just giving me a spare diaper she offers fresh clothes for the baby and me.  Crisis averted.  Of course, I don't know if I can ever go back to that Starbucks.  This is probably why I should stick to the drive-thru ones.

I leave Avi there and go to get Nandini.  .  Nandini eats leftover goldfish the whole way home.  The rest of the afternoon is pretty uneventful until it is time to leave again to pick up Avinash after school. 

I get all three kids restrained and back in the car and we start heading back home.  I am pulling on to the highway when Nandini exclaims, "The baby likes goldfish!"


I reach back and snatch the sippy cup filled with goldfish out of her hands before she gives him another one and she starts shrieking at the top of her lungs.  She knows that she did something really wrong and does not want to hear about it.  I do a quick finger sweep of the baby's mouth and realize he has already spit out most of it.

At least those things dissolve easily.

Then, while she is still crying hysterically I think back to how carefully we selected the first food gave her.  Over processed cheese cracker shaped inexplicably like a fish is probably not my first choice for the baby, but at least she didn't have a sippy cup full of peanuts or something. 

So, in answer to your question random grocery store lady, I have no idea what I am doing, let alone how.  Though coffee helps, usually.


  1. Oh, I am SO sorry! The part about the goldfish is definitely something you'll look back on and laugh, though. I do remember that we had to tell T several times NOT to feed the baby anything.

  2. I'm sorry! Once they outnumber you, all bets are off. It's definitely a story you can lord over Nandini and Lucky.

  3. Oh no! What a scary moment but a great story to tell! Glad the little guy spit it out!!! :)

  4. I'm sending you a million hugs, my friend!! hang in there!! and if you wanna chat virtually, you know where to find me i hope!! xoxo


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