
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Botanical Garden Sunday

Today was so beautiful I pretty much couldn't handle it. After the cold snap that lasted most of the month I just don't know how many more days like this we will get. 

We decided to take advantage of it and head to the botanical gardens. There are less flowers this time of year but it didn't matter. A few of the trees' leaves had begun to turn yellow and red, which we never see around the rest of Austin.   

The kids got to read the map and direct us. There was a lot of retracing our steps at first. We finally made it to their destination and found the dinosaur garden. Jumping to and fro across dinosaur footprints was a big hit. My favorite was leaves falling like confetti whenever the wind blew. 

Hope you get to drink in the last days of fall as well. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! I love all the pics!

  2. Such sweet pics, love the ones with you and your baby with the sunbeams. Just sweet!


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