
Monday, March 17, 2014

Just a little bit of luck.

 I am that girl who always took the phrase 'stop and smell the flowers' literally.  It's not uncommon to see me bent over random rose bushes, or pulling down lilac branches to have a good inhale.  Lately of course I have been getting all woozy over the smell of my newborn.  I love to just smell the top of his head or, weirdly enough, his breath.  It's like heaven and I want to savor it.

We were out taking a walk today after school.  Most of the plants around here are still pretty shriveled up and brown, including the lawns.  We aren't used to much cold weather and even though it wasn't that bad here relative to the rest of the country it seems it will take our plants a wile to recover.  Somehow, one house in our neighborhood has this gorgeous lush green lawn.  I stopped to admire it, because that is totally normal (what can I say? their grass really is greener) and I saw a four leaf clover right in front of me on the sidewalk.

I can't tell you how many times I have looked for four leaf clovers, especially with Avinash who is fascinated with them.  He is pretty happy whenever he finds a regular three leaf clover and will just rip one of the leaves in half to make four.  I however keep looking for a real one, but didn't know what the secret to finding one was.  When it finally happened, I was so so soo excited to find.  And, on St. Patrick's Day (also the day of Holi and my parent's anniversary) no less?  Wow.  I had the new baby in his carrier on my chest, so I'm sure his good luck had a lot to do with it. He is definitely our Lucky baby.

One good turn deserves another so I am offering a little project life freebie for my blog readers. I turned the brush script title I made for this "so lucky" layout into a card for PL.  Just right click the image and save it.
You can check out my other freebies here, or follow my Free Printables board on Pinterest.

 I also designed two other printable card sets, which are available for sale in my Etsy shop.  Thank you all for your support!  I try not to deluge this space with shop posts but I'm always tickled when someone leaves me a note with their order letting me know they are a blog reader.  A good way to get some extra goodies for sure ;)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful cards! What luck to find a four leaf clover yesterday of all days!


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