
Monday, October 13, 2014

Disney Bound!

A few months ago we started planning a trip to Disney World for our family.  Lakshman still hadn't been yet (outside of my tummy at least) and friends of ours were going as well.  Plus, I just love that place.  The magic is palpable. Plus, I love how it changes each year as our children get older and appreciate different things.  Each trip is a new opportunity to savor time and hit the pause button for a little while. 

One thing we have heard about a lot is the Disney trip surprise.  I have always wanted to try it so we thought we would give it a shot this year.  Luckily our kids are young enough that they are pretty oblivious to the conversations we have and don't have very good short term memory anyway. 

We left midweek but due to a last minute illness we were not able to pack until the morning of our trip.  We let the kids watch TV while we ran around and gathered up princess dresses and dragon costumes from various corners of the house.  Finally, I dressed them up in Minnie and Mickey garb and turned on the video camera.  At this point they still had no idea.  Ha!

How cute is this montage from my google+ page?  I honestly have to say I am loving the app on my phone and what it does with my pictures. 

So glad we captured it on video, even if they are pretty stunned at first.


  1. OH FOR CUTENESS!!!! Have fun :)

  2. OMG toooooo cute. I remember one year Lucy walked around the whole of /disney with that same dress on plus the wee cute heels. or rather she was pushed in her stroller for most of it LOL.

    Have an awesome time with those cute kiddies.


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