I am not new to all of this and totally know what I am doing when it comes to this post. I was not completely inspired by the promise of a funky MckMama prize.
I am not so into blogging, that I spent all my down time this weekend reading them instead of studying for my class Monday night. Not me!
Now that my baby is four months old, I am not totally overwhelmed by the task of starting him on solid foods. I would never delay starting him on them because I'm worried about 'allergies' when I really just do not know where to begin. I love eating healthy, that is why I did not eat out almost every day this week, especially that fried, gooey, soft in the middle eggplant with this perfectly spicy dipping from a new Thai restaurant near us. Never. I also did not take the car to work today instead of the train, especially since we are trying to save money. I would never panic at Old Navy when they wouldn't let me use my ten dollar coupon. Not me!
I did not try to post a cute, but screaming Avi video on my blog (only to have my darling log me out so he could check his email before I had a chance to hit publish). This is not putting me in a funk all morning. And, I probably will not spend all night tonight trying to post the video again. I also did not change the background to this cute penguin, even though the holidays are technically over - and it is not even cold out where I live now! Nope, not because I think that cute little penguin reminds me of Avinash or anything.
Well that was my first attempt, I think I could keep going and going.
Mmm. Eggplant!